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Galiullina E.I.




this article examines the peculiarities of the developing a corporate strategic map for Russia's largest telecom company, aimed at increasing the value of the organization   

Ключевые слова:
corporate strategy, corporate strategic map, strategic goals   

УДК 338.26

Galiullina E.I.

Student of Accounting, Analysis, and Audit program, group ZM-EUA20-2

Financial University under Government of Russian Federation

(Moscow, Russia)





Abstract: this article examines the peculiarities of the developing a corporate strategic map for Russia's largest telecom companyaimed at increasing the value of the organization


Keywords: corporate strategy, corporate strategic map, strategic goals.


The classical geographical map is an abstraction of the surrounding world: trees, rivers, mountains on the map. A corporate strategy map works on the same principle - it is an abstraction of an organization's business and its strategy [5, p. 1].

The key purpose of a strategy map is to visualize the organization's strategy in some way. In turn, visualization improves strategy development and implementation. In addition, this tool gives employees insight into how their work contributes to the achievement of top-level strategic goals [1, p. 177]. When employees know that their efforts are contributing to the company's overall goals, it's a huge boost to their productivity and morale.

Using the strategic map, the company gets the opportunity to create more flexible internal business processes [2, p. 4]. In addition, the strategy map helps to identify gaps in the achievement of the company's core strategy. If a company is unable to display its strategy on one page, this means that it has not developed and understood the strategy enough. Many companies can explain their strategy in a few pages, but the ability to digest a complex strategy into a simple one-page format helps an organization quickly understand what it is striving for. The strategy map is simple, but at the same time one of the most important documents in the implementation of corporate strategy.

Figure 1 shows the strategic map of MTS, aimed at increasing the value of the company.

Figure 1. MTS strategic map


The strategy of MTS company should be defined as an increase in the value of the enterprise (that is, an increase in the value of the economic value-added indicator EVA) [4, p. 3]. The change in the value of this indicator is highly dependent on the change in the value of the return on assets. For this reason, increasing the level of return on assets is a key strategic goal within the framework of the “finance” block of the implemented BSC [3, p. 100]. In turn, in order to increase the economic value added, and hence to increase the return on assets, it is necessary that the main strategic goal of the “customers” block is to increase customer satisfaction, therefore, the target values of market share and revenue indicators must be achieved. The achievement of strategic goals in the BSC "finance" and "clients" blocks is inherently influenced by internal business processes, the main strategic goal of which is the provision of highly competitive services. At the same time, in order to compete effectively in the market, MTS company needs to frequently modify the products sold and reduce the time to bring them to the market. To do this, you need to constantly analyze the efficiency of resource use with using cost-benefit ratio. Undoubtedly, increasing the motivation of employees working within the organization improves the efficiency of internal business processes, which in turn affects the quality of services provided to customers and their satisfaction. For this reason, it is necessary to achieve the target value of the indicator of employee involvement in the activities of MTS company.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that each of the strategic goals of the BSC blocks directly and indirectly affect the main strategy of the organization. In addition, these goals are interconnected with each other. Therefore, it is important to justify the links between strategic goals, as well as the links between these goals and the strategy of the organization. At the same time, the relationship should be not only expressed in a qualitative form, but also in a quantitative one, in other words, the relationship of strategic goals should also be justified at the level of quantitative indicators. This is where the complexity of building a strategic map lies.




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Aleksey Savkin, "Strategy Map: How-To Guide, PDF Template, and Examples," BSC Designer, October 21, 2014 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://bscdesigner.com/strategy-maps-guide.htm  (дата обращения 22.09.2022).


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №9 (54) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Galiullina E.I. FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF THE CORPORATE STRATEGIC MAP OF MTS COMPANY // Вестник науки №9 (54) том 4. С. 5 - 8. 2022 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/6207 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/6207

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